Anchor Points Vs Ladder Brackets

  The ongoing design of fall protection systems has ensured that no matter what industry you are in, there is a system that will meet the needs and requirements of your particular job circumstances. But what are the criteria for establishing if you need anchor points or ladder brackets. This article will outline elements that will identify your specific requirements and assist in highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each system.

Anchor Points

Anchor points are the most commonly used type of fall restraint system installed on industrial buildings. Also known as safe roof access points, a simple anchor point when used in conjunction with a certified harness can offer protection from major injury and death to trained users. Anchor points come in a very wide variety of designs. So you need to establish what your needs are, and then make an informed decision. Do you require a maximum threshold rate? Do you need multiple users attached to a single safe roof access point? Do you want an aesthetically pleasing design? Should the anchor points be permanently installed, or temporary? These factors will make your decision easier if you decide that anchor points are the ideal fall protection system for you.

Anchor points are often used on buildings that are regularly frequented by staff, as they offer comprehensive protection for individuals, and offer great freedom of movement at heights. Roof safety points need to be installed by certified installer, who will not only decide where is the ideal location of the points, but will also be able to perform annual certification. Every fall prevention system installer that you come across will recommend a system with an energy absorbing feature. This is not a marketing ploy, but a genuine advance in the safety features of fall prevention systems. The energy absorbing feature slows the deceleration of the falling weight, thereby reducing the trauma that a body is under when slowing down.

If your building requires a fall prevention system that offers complete protection across the entire area of the roof, then installing multiple safe roof access points will offer the highest standard of safety. But if there is a significantly smaller area that needs safe roof access, then a simpler and cheaper option may be available.

Ladder brackets

Ladder brackets are a simple way to ensure individuals that are working at heights can maintain the safety of their environment. There are two types of ladder brackets, ones that are permanently fixed onto the roof, and ones that are installed on the ladder itself. Both types of ladder brackets prevent the ladder from falling back, and also prevent any horizontal movement. By stabilising the ladder at a fixed position, an individual can have greater stability while working at heights.

Ladder brackets are limited in the safety that they offer. An individual can still slip, or lose their balance while on top of the ladder and fall. So in contrast to an anchor point they do offer the same level of safety. One advantage that ladder brackets have over anchor points is that they are very user friendly, because they do not require a user to put on a harness, and therefore they have a higher rate of use. Also the price range of ladder brackets offers significant savings in comparison to fixed safe roof access systems.

So what should I choose?

Examine your specific needs. What height are you going to be working at? Is portability important? Will I need to train multiple staff in the use of the equipment, or just one member? What is the price range that you have at your disposal for a fall protection system?

After analysing your needs and consulting with a certified fall protection installer you will see the system that will work best for you.

For expert advice on fall prevention systems from the premier anchor points and ladder brackets installers in Sydney, talk to the professionals at Sydney Anchor Points. They will provide genuine service, and reliable advice so that you can safely fall into making the right decision.

Anchor Point, the Center of Your After Effects Universe

We like to animate opacity and position but what do we do with the anchor point? In this world of balance and timely relationships, you might say the anchor point is the center of your After Effects universe. Let's see why.

You have to do a little 'After Effects math' to get a good handle on using the anchor point and the first is understanding how After Effects lays out its grid and the other is understanding how sometime the anchor point is what I would call a relative value.

Create a composition and for easy numbers choose the 'Web Video, 320x240' composition preset. Create a text layer and type the letter 'a'. Now create a shape layer but don't draw anything yet. Also create a solid layer with default settings of composition size. Under the top pull down menu options, choose 'View', 'Show Rulers'. This will display a ruler with units marked in pixels. This is a valuable tool for seeing your spatial relationships and especially for aligning objects. There is also a 'Show Grid' option which applies a grid to your composition workspace.

Take a look at the numbers displayed on your rulers. The origin for your composition 'stage' is the upper left where you will see 0 for x and 0 for y. If you visually inspect the area you can see that it is 320 pixels wide and 240 pixels in height. The info panel displays the coordinates underneath your mouse. If your info panel isn't open simply click 'Info' under the Window pull down menu on the far right.

Hold your mouse over the upper left hand of your stage then move to the lower right hand corner. You will see the values '0,0' to '320,240'. You see your letter 'a' in the center of the stage. Click on all three of your layers, then enter the keyboard shortcut 'a' to display their anchor point value.

For the solid you will see '160, 120' but for your text and shape you will see '0,0'. I am going to refer to these values as 'relative' because they all have the same anchor point, the center of the composition! Just for a simple illustration, create a second shape layer and draw another ellipse. Choose both layers, enter 'a' to display the anchor point. You will see '0,0'. Now enter 'r' for rotation and increase the rotation value for both shapes.

You will see that they rotate around the center of your composition. This makes sense, that every object shares a center anchor point but it can be a bit confusing when you see different numbers for the same value! Using a combination of your grid, info panel, and understanding these relative values for shapes and text will help you use the anchor setting with confidence.

Protection Requirements From Roof Anchors

There are a number of protection requirements for roof maintenance and construction works. These protective measures have been the focus of many contractors everywhere around the world. The innovations as to the products and systems have been very beneficial to professional contractors in terms of providing the necessary protection when climbing atop a roof to perform various tasks.

There are several regulations and protection requirements in place as to roof anchors and related materials. Protection harness should be worn at all times when working on a roof. This safety requirement helps avert the chances of a fall. The harness to be used should be the full-body harness type. This harness should be attached to a retractable cable or a lanyard. This material is then secured to an immovable object like the truss or floor joints. These two materials should be used together to provide maximize protection to a contractor.

Another, protection requirement is the installation of temporary rails. These railing systems meet safety standards and increase the protection to the contractor. The temporary railings, which are essentially made of metal posts, should be able to endure at least 200 hundred pounds of pressure. They are quite easy to install and disassemble.

The roof anchor points, which could either be permanent or temporary, are installed into the roof to hold the roof anchors and make them more stable. This supports the weight of the person who does the roof repairs. They are suitable for use on almost any roof type.

Roof anchor makes it easier for repairs to be done of the roof. It offers protection to the repairman especially when working on fragile glass roof or when doing repairs on the roof's edge. The repairman can stay up in the roof to finish the repairs in no time.

When it's time to install a satellite dish or a solar hot water system, be sure that there are roof anchor and roof anchor points installed on the roof to prevent accidents from happening at heights. Take the advice of the roof experts and you contractors. Besides these equipment would only cost you a few bucks, so no cause to worry about breaking the bank.
